Promoting integration
Social issues
Language is essential to coping with everyday situations, establishing a social life and achieving professional success. But what if you can't speak German? The consequences are often social isolation and major hurdles when looking for a job. The problem mainly affects migrants who often do not speak German on arrival. A volunteer project by Caritas Lucerne in collaboration with UBS Helpetica shows how integration can still succeed.
According to Rico, “Integration is based on reciprocity. People are always saying that migrants should make more effort to integrate. But we also need to give them a chance and help them.” The 62-year-old from Lucerne is a volunteer at Caritas and meets weekly with Ilir, a 46-year-old Italian.
Stefanie Gisler from Caritas Lucerne states: “In addition to financial contributions and donations in kind, the commitment of volunteers is central to our work. UBS Helpetica helps us find volunteers.”

Caritas Zentralschweiz is a non-profit organization that seeks to raise awareness of and alleviate social deprivation. It is committed to fighting poverty and promoting social and professional integration. We run and develop offers and projects for the unemployed, migrants and those affected by poverty.