Breaking down barriers as a language partner
Kanton Zürich
Social issues
Living in a new country poses many challenges, especially if you don’t speak the local language. Refugees often face the difficult task of having to integrate into everyday life while coming to terms with a new language and a new culture. This is where the “fokusnetzwerk” language partner network program run by the association “prointegration” comes in. The program brings people together with the aim of breaking down barriers and creating new perspectives.
Getting involved in charity work and doing something for the common good were the primary factors that motivated Juliette to sign up for the “fokusnetzwerk” language partner program. After an initial talk with a representative from the network, a meeting is held to pair the volunteer with the refugee. They spend a month getting to know each other under the guidance of a counselor from the program. If they both feel comfortable at the end of the month-long trial period, they become language partners for the next few months – like Juliette and Mohammad.
The two of them made it their aim for Mohammad to learn German, become better integrated socially and receive assistance in coping with everyday situations. During their long walks along the banks of the River Limmat, Juliette and Mohammad talked about all sorts of topics. This not only served to improve his language skills, but also helped him to tackle day-to-day hurdles.
Mohammad found it to be a very positive experience: “In particular, I was able to improve my knowledge of German; that helped me to find my current job, which I really like.” Juliette also says: “It’s highly fulfilling to support people and create new perspectives – it helps you to develop as a person and gain valuable insights.”
In addition to this commitment, Juliette also volunteers in other ways and is looking forward to being able to share her combined experiences with her second mentee.
Juliette and Mohammad are one example of how mutual support and learning provide benefits for both sides – a truly enriching experience for all involved.
Yilian Mangada, project manager at “fokusnetzwerk”, would love to hear from people willing to commit to this program and is available to answer any questions.

fokusnetzwerk is a project developed by prointegration, a non-profit association that has been advising and assisting people with integration and career-related questions and concerns since 2017.
fokusnetzwerk provides a platform that connects refugees and local volunteer mentors by region based on shared interests and topics.