My ear for you - just talk!
The whole of Switzerland
Social issues
The association «My ear for you - just talk!» operates the first everyday telephone for young and old in Switzerland. People who don't have anyone to talk to or who just want to chat can find a volunteer employee who will listen to them in order to have an everyday conversation. The initiative would like to make a contribution to social participation and make a low-threshold telephone offer to lonely people with little or no social contacts. We all know what a good conversation can do: we just feel better afterwards.
- 3 hours per week.
- Over a period of 6 months or longer.
- Start and use is by arrangement.
The telephone service is made from home via the toll-free number.
How it will work:
- The project management contacts interested volunteers by telephone.
- After the initial meeting, there is free internal training.
- Regular phone calls between the project manager and the volunteer.
- Supervision/case discussion every 3 months by the project manager.
During the training, the theory and practice as well as the course of the assignment are presented and discussed on the phone to the volunteers.
- Supervision by the project management during the telephone service of 3 hours.
- Regular phone calls between the project manager and the volunteer.
- Supervision/case discussion every 3 months by the project manager.
- 2x a year a free event for the volunteers as a thank you.
- 1x a year a free training course for the volunteers.
- Make a phone call
- Conduct everyday conversations
- Listen
- Triage of problems to other organizations
What you'll need:
- Empathy
- Enjoys contact with people
- Life experience
- Resilience
- Interest in social issues
- Reliability
- Mental health
- Bilingual English-German or basic knowledge of German with basic listening comprehension in German, B2-Level.
Telephone connection or mobile phone, PC access, Zoom access
Project language
German, English

The "Mein Ohr für Dich – einfach mal reden!" (Lend an Ear) association enables social participation for everyone. It gives people who have no one to talk to or who just want to chat with someone the opportunity to have a pleasant telephone conversation with a volunteer quickly, free of charge, anonymously and confidentially. As we all know: it’s good to talk!