Weiherpflegetag Parc Ela


Bergün Filisur / GR





Ponds are small still waters and form important habitats for frogs, toads, dragonflies and the like, but without regular care, they quickly silt up or become overgrown by trees and shrubs.

Together we implement the necessary maintenance measures and at the same time get to know the creatures of a pond. Experts will tell you more about the different requirements of amphibians or dragonflies and what a suitable habitat looks like.

The tasks include shoveling a pond, cutting back shrubs and small trees in the immediate vicinity of the water or cleaning up some felled trees that strongly shade the pond.

Current project status

Project progress

3 spacesare still free (out of a total of 12)

24 daysremaining until (registration deadline)


  • Friday, 11 October 2024
  • Full day, from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.


  • 09:00 a.m. Meeting point at Filisur train station (if arriving by public transport)
    09:10 a.m. Meeting point at the Landwasser Viaduct car park (if arriving by car)

How it will work:

  • You’ll be welcomed and given instruction on site.
  • Joint hedge maintenance and/or planting.
  • Lunch will be provided.


  • You will be introduced to the work and its significance on the day. 
  • No preparation required.


  • The volunteers are carefully instructed and supervised throughout their assignment.


  • Planting and enhancing wild hedgerows.
    The activities are varied: digging holes, planting new bushes, mulching, cutting back existing bushes, building branch piles and other small structures.

What you'll need:

  • No previous experience required.
  • The assignment takes place in all types of weather.
  • Basic physical fitness.
  • You should be able to walk on uneven terrain, stand, kneel and bend down.


  • rubber boots and/or hiking boots.
  • Weather-appropriate work clothes that can get dirty and rain pants.
  • Own lunch and enough water.
  • Work gloves (if available).
  • Ev. Take spare clothes, rain protection, sun protection with you.




09:00 - 17:00 o'clock

Project language

German, English

To registration

Our project partner:
Nature park association Parc Ela

Parc Ela is located in the heart of Graubünden and unites three language cultures: Romansh, German and Italian. With steep mountain peaks and vast landscapes, the park still feels like a genuine wilderness. In the valleys, historic villages and Baroque churches remind us of the former importance of the trade routes over the Albula, Julier and Septimer Alpine passes. The park communities have joined forces to advance sustainable economic and social development. They work to preserve precious natural and cultural resources, strengthen the local economy and promote tourism close to nature.